How to Become a Licensed SLP in California

DEAR future SLP’s:  If you are interested in getting your Speech-Language Pathology License in the state of California, here are the steps you need to take to meet the requirements.

Step-by-step guide on how to become a licensed Speech Language Pathologist  in California

Each state might have different requirements for getting your Speech Language Pathology (SLP) License. A license in one state does not guarantee permission to practice as an SLP in another state.

Here are the steps you need to take in order to become an SLP in California:

  1. You need to earn your Master’s degree in speech-language pathology  (60 semester units)
  2. You also need to complete  300 hours of clinical practicum while supervised under the direction of an educational institution approved by the board.
  3. You need to submit evidence for completing the hours. For full-time you need proof of 36 weeks and for part-time you need 72 weeks. The experience MUST be obtained under the supervision of a licensed SLP.
  4. You need to take and pass the board approved exam. The passing score for the exam is 162.

Schools in California that offer a master’s degree in speech pathology

  • University of the Pacific
  • University of Southern California (USC)
  • University of Redlands
  • San Francisco State University
  • San Jose State University
  • San Diego State University
  • Loma Linda University
  • Chapman University
  • California State University Fresno
  • California State University Los Angeles
  • California State University Northridge
  • California State University Fullerton
  • California State University Long Beach
  • California State University Chico
  • California State University Sacramento
  • California State University East Bay
  • California State University Monterey Bay
  • California State University San Marcos
  • California Baptist University
  • Biola University

Pathways of Obtaining your SLP license

  1. Required Professional Experience (RPE)
  2. Equivalent qualifications ( for those who have certificate of Clinical Competence issued by ASHA)
  3. Active license from another state
  4. Previous CA license – has to be expired more than 5 years ago
  5. Education in a foreign country

Steps for submitting requirements

Note: numbers 1-4 are required for RPE temporary License

  1. Fill our the application along with a passport quality photo of yourself
  2. Submit a check or money order of $60 to the board
  3. Fingerprinting – California requires Live Scan. You need to submit the copy of the completed Live Scan to the board
  4. Recommendation

Note: The following must be submitted within 30 days of issuance of the RPE license

5. Transcript

6. Photocopy of your degree

Note: The following can be submitted anytime during the RPE.

7. Take the exam – remember the passing score is 162

Note: the following must be submitted at the end of each supervised experience.

8. RPE verification form

Note: Following must be completed after eligibility

9. Permanent license application – NOTE: this will be sent to you by the board once you verify the supervised experience

SLP License

Mailing the Requirements

You have to mail the application along with your photo, the live scan, application fee, and the live scan fee. You will get an email within weeks from the board informing you that they have received your application. You will then receive the tracking number and a timeframe of the process time. Once everything is processed, you will receive your license in the mail.

It is important to know all the requirements and details when mailing your application. If you are missing documents, the process of receiving your application may be delayed.

Time Frames

Once you submit your application and get the email confirmation that the board has received your application, it will roughly take about 8-9 weeks for the board to review your application. (Note: the process times are taking longer now because of the volume of applications being received by the board)

Once your application is reviewed, if you have all the required documents, you will get your license within 1-2 weeks.

If there are additional documents required from the board, it will take up to 4 extra weeks for you to receive the license.

If you submit your RPE verification form, you will get your permanent SLP license within 5-6 weeks.


Fees for Speech Language Pathologists

Initial license fee                                    $60

Renewal fee                                            $110

Delinquent fee                                       $25

Temporary license fee                         $30

License verification fee                       $10